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The Leadership Interview Series

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." – John F. Kennedy

Megan Dickman: The Power of Story and Print Media in a Digital World.

CEO & Publisher of The Business News and the CEO of Dickman Media Group

In this interview with Megan Dickman we explore the intrinsic value of print media, its impact on local journalism, community engagement, and maintaining cultural nostalgia.

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Open Access News
Rejecting paywalls to ensure free access to news, fostering an informed and decision-capable community.
Life Lessons
Maya Payne Smart shares valuable lessons she learned at an early age and the positive impact it's had on her life.
The Reader Experience
Lou Aronica discusses how his team discovered the tactile experience of a reader was way more important than they anticipated.
Open Access News
Rejecting paywalls to ensure free access to news, fostering an informed and decision-capable community.
Transforming Local News
Exploring the enduring value of print and local news in fostering informed, community-focused decision making.
Cherishing Print
Emphasizing print's unique, tangible appeal in connecting communities and preserving localized, insightful journalism.
Going Positively Viral
Warren Werbitt talks about the importance of strong leadership, fostering company culture, and embracing authenticity in the workplace.
Embrace Change
Warren Werbitt talks about the importance of finding happiness in your work and embracing change for a fulfilling career.
Print's Emotional Impact
Warren Werbitt shares his thoughts on the lasting power of print marketing in building genuine connections with customers.
Owning Corporate Challenges
Paul McCarthy discusses accountability and solution-focused strategies at HP in a dynamic interview.
Vision for Printing
Eric Vessels on transforming WhatTheyThink into a leading global resource for the print industry.
Joyful Work Ethic
Eric Vessels discusses joy, humor, and work culture at WhatTheyThink in an engaging interview.
Value Beyond Sales
Paul McCarthy on transforming sales strategy and building value-driven partnerships at HP.
Innovating Print Strategies
Mike Philie shares insights on embracing change and innovation in the print and publishing industry.
Print Evolution Insights
Mike Philie discusses embracing technological change and innovation over his 44-year print industry career.
Overcoming Odds: Matt Ohrt on Transforming Healthcare
Matt Ohrt's journey from near-fatal accident to healthcare reform advocate, detailed in 'Save Your Company'.
1st Step to saving on healthcare
Insights from Matt Ohrt on initiating cost analysis and aligning team incentives for effective healthcare management.
Saving 30% on Healthcare
Matt Ohrt highlights the importance of consumer power and industry transparency for effective decision-making.
Deborah Corn - Full Interview
Deborah Corn champions human connection in print, fostering innovation while emphasizing genuine engagement and collaboration.
Revolutionizing Print
Deborah Corn discusses print's resilience post-recession and its strategic integration with digital marketing for mutual growth.
Dynamic Print Evolution
Deborah Corn explores print's evolving landscape, emphasizing adaptability and customer-centric strategies for success.
Life Lessons
Maya Payne Smart shares valuable lessons she learned at an early age and the positive impact it's had on her life.
What's more valuable?
Demian Ross discusses how he measures digital subscribers compared to magazine subscribers and which is most valuable.
Way of thinking
Don Rosso shares how he is continually learning and how being curious can make you better at your craft.
The Reader Experience
Lou Aronica discusses how his team discovered the tactile experience of a reader was way more important than they anticipated.
Making a Difference
Maya Payne Smart discusses how organizations are finding creative ways to make literacy a part of everyday life, giving everyone greater opportunities to succeed.
Chasing a Dream
Janine Pettit discusses her journey to creating Girl Camper magazine, and the mission she's on to empower women across the country.
Maya Payne Smart shares some advice she'd give her younger self to make the most of opportunities and pursue dreams.
Starting a movement
Janine Pettit, founder of Girl Camper, discusses how she's working to empower women to live remarkable lives.
Never Stop Improving
Lou Aronica has had an incredible career. A big part of his success is his constant focus on finding ways to improve and grow.

Seaway Printing executed a difficult job for us with seeming ease. Perfect color, perfect trim, with no “issues” and they turned in the best price bid in the entire state on the project.

Magazine Publisher – Appleton, WI


Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are such a big part of our journey with the magazine, and I hope we’re working together for many many more years. Thank you again.

Magazine Publisher Bordentown, New Jersey


“This is our flagship book of the year, so it needed to be first-rate all-round, and Seaway definitely did its part.”

Sharon Woodhouse – Everything Goes Media